The age of the sharing economy special report
One of the principles of the sharing economy is that only those who share will receive. Inspired by this concept, we review in this special report the consequences of the sharing economy, and what the legal effects will be for Norwegian and foreign businesses.
One of the principles of the sharing economy is that only those who share will receive. Inspired by this concept, we review in this special report the consequences of the sharing economy, and what the legal effects will be for Norwegian and foreign businesses.

In just a few years, the digital economy, of which the sharing economy is a part, has turned established industries and business models upside down. Many businesses have had to change fast and brutally. This is commonly called disruption.
And while established operators and models are being impacted by a new reality, the regulation of these industries is also being disrupted. Sometimes the new operators have to adapt to old legislation. At other times, it is the established operators that have to change. Sometimes it is the authorities that have to make a move in order to get appropriate regulation in place.Download the report here

This report examines the effect of the sharing economy on concepts such as:
- The labour market
- Competition law
- Protection of privacy and data security
- Copyright law
- IT procurements
A key aspect of the digital economy is that it traverses established industries and fields.
In order to be able to meet the new age, we in #Haavindtech have established a vital, multidisciplinary group designed to offer the best possible legal and strategic advice on digital everyday life and digital business transformation.