The Haavind Pharma Report Summer 2019
In the Pharma Report Summer 2019, we take a retrospective look at some of the legal developments during the first half of 2019 in the Norwegian pharmaceutical sector.
In the Pharma Report Summer 2019, we take a retrospective look at some of the legal developments during the first half of 2019 in the Norwegian pharmaceutical sector.
The first half of 2019 has been an interesting year for legal practitioners working in the pharmaceutical sector. While there has been less litigation so far, the first 6 months has nevertheless been interesting, particularly from a regulatory viewpoint.Read the Pharma Report Summer 2019 here
In this edition of our biannual report, you can read about the latest developments on off-label use of medicinal products in Norway. You can also read about the latest amendments in patent legislation, which entered into force in July 2019, as well as the development concerning transparency on both prices of medicinal products and disclosure of payments to healthcare professionals.Download the Pharma Report Summer 2019 here

Haavind’s Health and Life Science team continuously and closely monitors developments in Norway relevant to the pharma sector. If you wish to discuss how your business can best meet the legal challenges of this innovative and highly regulated sector, you are always welcome to contact us.