Theodor Karlsen is part of one of Norway’s largest and highest-ranked legal real estate environments.
His areas of expertise encompass dispute resolution, property development and contract law. Karlsen has represented clients before the Norwegian courts as well as in international arbitration, either as counsel or co-counsel.
Karlsen has published scholarly articles on legal methodology, property law, and construction law, and he has served as a journal editor at Universitetsforlaget (Scandinavian University Press). He has also been a part-time lecturer at Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, where he taught property law.
As a student, Theodor won the international moot court competition EEA Moot Court 2022, where he also received the award for best speaker and best written brief.
Associate, Advokatfirmaet Haavind
University lecturer (hourly basis) at Faculty of Law, University of Oslo
Journal editor at Scandinavian University Press
Master of Law, University of Bergen
Intern/trainee at the Office of the Attorney General and various business law firms
Freelance journalist, with clients such as VG, Nettavisen, iTromsø etc.
Theodor Karlsen, Arve Martin Hyldmo Bjørnvik and Johnny Johansen, [Reflections on the Revision of Counstruction Contracts], in Markus Hoel Lie et al. (ed.), Vidsyn og skjønn: Festskrift til Jens Edvin A. Skoghøy, Universitetsforlaget 2025 p. 76–92 (“Refleksjoner om revisjon av entreprisekontrakter”)
[The margin of appreciation in national court review of interferences with the ECHR – a shift in direction by the Norwegian Supreme Court], Lov og Rett, 9/2023 p. 551–567 (“Statens skjønnsmargin ved nasjonal domstolsprøving av inngrep i EMK – en kursendring fra Høyesterett”)
Theodor Karlsen and Matias Tvermyr Holmen, [The credibility of the Norwegian land register concerning the content of limited property rights], Tidsskrift for Eiendomsrett, 2/2023 p. 141–172 (“Grunnbokens troverdighet om begrensede rettighets innhold”)
[Introduction to Property Law], Fagbokforlaget 2022 (2nd printing in 2023; ‘Tingsrett før eksamen”)