Ethics is normally explained as the doctrine about moral, in other words the doctrine about right and wrong. In our society as general, we distinguish between public ethics and code ethics for different professions.
The Norwegian Bar Association has developed a code of conducts that have been ratified as a regulation by the Ministry of Justice. These code of conducts have to be followed by all Norwegian lawyers. The continued integration of the European Union and European Economic Area, have also made necessary in the public interest the statement of common rules, which includes all lawyers from the European economic area. You may find these rules by using this link: CCBE-Code of Conduct for European lawyers. Norwegian lawyers, who are involved with cross border activities within the European Economic Area, are bound by the CCBE-Code of Conduct.
Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS has put in place further internal guidelines governing procedures on sensitive issues, such as professional investments, whistle blowing, conflicts of interests etc. We require that all our employees are aware of the fundamental principles of the firm, and that they are familiar with the ethical dimensions of the legal services which we provide.
An ethical committee consisting of three partners has the superior responsibility concerning our compliance with the mentioned rules of professional conduct.