IFLR: Haavind retains tier 1 rating within Project development
Advokatfirmaet Haavind and its Energy and Infrastructure project teams are consistently ranked among the very best law firms in Norway.
Advokatfirmaet Haavind and its Energy and Infrastructure project teams are consistently ranked among the very best law firms in Norway.
Most of the IFLRs 2020 rankings have been released during late summer, and Haavind continue to excel in the category Project development. For the fourth year running, Haavind is placed in tier 1 in the Norwegian market by the renowned directory IFLR 1000.
Working on some of the country’s most complex and comprehensive projects in the field, the team is credited for their professionalism and expertise. Haavind place great weight on how we set up our teams for different projects to make our work more efficient and relevant for our clients.
Each lawyer brings skills and experience to the team, completing each other’s role to enable a dynamic, efficient and customer-centric team.

The practice area Project development includes all non-financing work relating to energy and infrastructure projects, such as:
- Concession agreements
- Exploration contracts
- Land acquisitions
- Licensing
- PPAs
- PPPs and PFIs
- Public procurement
- Project negotiations
The work must relate to the development of a project in one of the following sectors:
- Power (renewable and traditional energy, generation and distribution)
- Mining
- Oil and gas (upstream and downstream)
- Social infrastructure (hospitals, schools, public buildings and developments)
- Telecommunications networks
- Transport (road, rail, sea and air ports)
- Utilities (sewage, waste and water)
For more information on the rankings, visit: https://www.iflr1000.com/Jurisdiction/Norway/Rankings/169#rankings