Haavind top ranked by IFLR within Energy and Infrastrucure
International Financial Law Review (IFLR1000) has published the ranking of Norwegian law firms for 2016.
International Financial Law Review (IFLR1000) has published the ranking of Norwegian law firms for 2016. Haavind’s work within Energy and Infrastructure is noticed among customers and partners, and the firm has been recognized with a top rating: Tier 1.
Energy and Infrastructure covers multiple sectors and Haavind is represented in all of them. Sectors covered by the research include:
• Energy
• Mining
• Oil and gas
• Social infrastructure
• Telecommunications networks
• Transport
• Utilities
IFLR states:
Recognised by clients as perhaps the strongest firm in Norway for utilities and energy regulatory work, Haavind continues to impress with its work in this area. With a strong focus on construction and energy, the firm can also boast one of the deepest, most varied teams in Oslo.
Clients states:
With a knowledge of the industry and the local conditions in the region that few others possess, they have showed each time that they are the preferred legal team on both real estate and the energy system in Norway.