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EU Tech regulations with our timeline
Revised Product Liability Directive
Deadline for implementation in the EU (Directive 2024/2853)
Data collection and sharing related to short-term accommodation rental
Date of application in the EU (Regulation 2024/1028)
Empowering consumers for the green transition
Deadline for implementation in the EU (Directive 2024/825)
Geographical Indications for craft and industrial products
Date of application in the EU (Regulation 2023/2411)
Digital Services Act
The Norwegian Government announces intention to send proposal for public consultation before the summer of 2025
Artificial Intelligence Liability Directive
Commission has announced plans to withdraw proposal (COM(2022)496)
Norwegian Electronic Communications Act
Norwegian parliament adopts the Electronic Communications Act, implementing the EU Electronic Communications Code (Directive 2018/1972)
Critical Entities Resilience Directive
Deadline for implementation in the EU (Directive 2022/2557)
Green Claims Directive
European Parliament and the Council are discussing (COM(2023)166). The first trilogue was held in January 2025.
Web Accessibility Directive
Deadline for implementation in the EEA. In force in Norway from 1. January 2022 (Directive 2016/2102)
Digital Content and Services Act (Digitalytelsesloven)
Norwegian Digital Services Act, implementing Digital Content Directive, entered into force in Norway
Norway: Consumer contracts for the sales of goods
Amendments to Norwegian Consumer Sales Act, implementing Consumer Sales and Guarantees Directive, entered into force in Norway
Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (“STEP”)
Date of application in the EU (Regulation 2024/795)
Norwegian Digital Security Act
Norwegian parliament adopts the Digital Security Act, implementing NIS1 Directive (2016/1148).
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Directive and repeal of the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)
Proposed amendments of the Regulation (COM(2023)649)
Enforcement and Modernisation Directive
Norwegian transposition of directive 2019/2161 entered into force.
Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPC)
Commission Proposal on four new regulations on supplementary protection certificates for medicinal products and plant production products