These consortiums are qualified to participate in the SN II-Auction on March 18, 2024

The Ministry of Energy (MoE) has on February 16, 2024, notified five of the seven applicants for Sørlige Nordsjø II (SN II), that they have been prequalified to participate in the auction for the first phase of SN II. The following five consortiums have been prequalified to participate in the auction:
• Aker Offshore Wind, BP and Statkraft
• Equinor and RWE
• Norseman Wind (Energie Badem-Württemberg AG)
• Shell, Lyse and Eviny
• Ventyr (Parkwind and Ingka)
Thus, two of the applicants, Hydroelectric Corporation and Mingyang Smart Energy, did not meet the requirements from the MoE and have accordingly not been prequalified for the coming auction.
The auction will take place on March 18, 2024, and the prequalified consortiums may place their bids from 09:00. The auction will take form of an English auction (open bidding), but the bidding will be closed for the public due to competition concerns. The winning bid/bid price will however become public.
The Minister for Energy, Terje Aasland, has in a press meeting on February 16 stated that if only one bid is placed in the auction, this will be sufficient to award SN II first phase. Some of the qualified consortiums have previously stated that they are uncertain if they will make a bid in the auction. Thus, it remains to be seen how many bids the MoE receives in the auction.
The press release from the MoE can be found here.