Seven consortiums seek prequalification for SN II
The deadline for prequalification applications for Sørlige Nordsjø II (SN II) expired on November 15, 2023. Seven consortiums seek to compete in the auction for the right to develop SN II.

Due to the increasing costs for offshore wind developments, there has been uncertainties around how many players that would send a prequalification application for SN II, and several players have already publicly stated that they will not apply. The MPE has now received prequalification applications from the following consortiums:
- Aker Offshore Wind, BP and Statkraft
- Equinor and RWE
- Hydroelectric Corporation (USA)
- Mingyang Smart Energy (China)
- Norseman Wind
- Parkwind and Ingka
- Shell, Lyse and Eviny
The prequalification decision is expected to be taken in January 2024, followed by an auction for SN II expected in February 2024.